Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Homemade French Knitter

I didn't plan on doing this today, but I saw on a blog a little homemade French Knitter from a toilet paper roll and craft sticks, and knew the kids would enjoy this.  I found a youtube video of how to make one and then I found another video of how to actually use the thing.  It has been so fun! Eleanor particularly likes it.  And one of the best parts, it was FREE!  I used a tin foil roll I was saving for one of the boys to play with and cloths pins taken apart because I did not have any craft sticks.  They work just fine.  I will say, if you make one with your kids just know that the hardest part is getting started.  But then it is smooth sailing!

Here is the video I used to construct the French Knitter.  

And here is the video I watched to show me how to use it. is another video of little boy in Sydney using one.  He is so cute and doing a great job!  I think this video inspired Eleanor to make a long snake.

This is a great winter activity, and also a nice "non screen" activity.  :) 

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